Gay porn website reviews and more!

Next Door Ebony

Next Door Ebony is one of the few, good gay porn sites which focuses on black men. And these black men are indeed hot. Imagine lots of muscle, some tattoos and the closest you can get to a black hunk and there you have it. Next Door Ebony is part of the Next Door World […]

Scary Fuckers

Scary Fuckers features men that one might be a bit leery of while walking down the street. For instance, skin heads or large, muscular, intimidating types. They do a good job of picking their models, with most of them being pretty scary looking guys. Not in an ugly sense though. Most are quite good looking […]

Extra Big Dicks gay porn site review
Extra Big Dicks

Extra Big Dicks has been around for a long time now and have always delivered good sized cocks to gay porn fans worldwide. Some men are larger than others, of course, but there isn’t a cock smaller than 8 inches on the site. At least, not that I could find. So size fans need not worry. Most of the men with these big cocks…

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